Monday, September 26, 2011

Thank you for everything

Saying there is no night that will not dawn is a lie
I thought it's possible to live on my own
Your smile even in my pain
Got rid of it with your believing heart
Unknowingly filling that hole being able to touch you
Always so gentle I wanted to stop it

So thank you for everything
I'll be going on my way
Reaching for what I want not worrying about what I've forgotten
So I can't forget every time
As we begin anew
Thank you, my best friend
For having the courage to stay by my side

Meeting you at sunset, on the way home
I'm not alone I began to think
Thank you, for giving me your smiling face
So dazzling, I didn't know where to look
I believed you were not weak
I don't want to lose the excitement in this moment

So thank you for everything
From here it's a new beginning
Straight ahead showing forth my newfound strength
So I can't forget every time
Letting go of the pain
Thank you, my best friend
We can walk together
So thank you for everything
Protecting my dreams
Always in the same place
Never leaving me alone
So I can't forget every time
I'm not always alone
Thank you, my best friend

For always being there for me
For always being there for me

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